Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pejamlah Wahai Mata

Dush2!!! I cant sleep!!! help me please!! huhu.. think of something ? somebody ? erghh!!! layan lagu je la malam nih..

Ni antara ' feveret song' yang aku tak pernah jemu melayan. So enjoy la ok.. i wish i could sleep now. Selagi aku tak tido aku akan bertambah tertekan. :'(


Friendship... When its too much..

Hye2....  whats up guys ?  its been a long time I've left my blog. So sorry guys. I just don't have the mood to write something... 
Something smacked on my head just now that makes me to write  today. Lets talk about friend. Doesn't matter if it is about friends or only friend. I'm not going to talk about a friendship between in the same gender but with opposite sex.
 Example, a friendship between boys and girls. it is ok for boys and girls to spend time together. But, if it is too much its going to move into the next level. Do you guys get what i mean ? yes!! they will fall in love... 
 Some people said, ' love is blind '. I do believed that because when a boy and a girl get too closed,  shared same interest, doing things together, sharing their problems, hangout together and at the end both of them might end up fall in love with each other. It is not wrong to be loved and to love somebody. There are certain situation they make it wrong. 

1. To fall in love with your best friend even thought you already taken.
2. To fall in love if your partner or your friend when he/she is somebody's boyfriend or girlfriend.

so sweet <3

Can i call this a Forbidden Love ?? 

 Entahla. Kadang- kadang niat hanya untuk berkawan semata-mata. Tapi lahir pula rasa cinta. Masalah timbul pabila orang yang kita cintai itu dimiliki orang lain ataupun kita sudah pon memiliki buah hati tapi pada masa yang sama kita mempunyai rasa sayang kepada si dia. Bak kata pepatah melayu, ' luah mati anak, telan mati bapak.. '.

Sesetengah orang berpendapat, cinta yang terlarang adalah cinta yang paling indah... and it is worth fighting for. Anda rasa ? 

Mungkin benar apa yang mereka fikir. Cinta terlarang membawa mereka ke jalan yang penuh dugaan dan cabaran. Itu yang mencorakkan cinta mereka dan menjadikanya menarik. Cinta seumpama ini mampu terpahat di ingatan mereka yang mengalaminya mungkin selamanya walaupun mereka tidak bersama.

Thats all for tonight. So sorry of using ' rojak ' language for my entry this time. lack of idea and instability of emotional mind ( hantam sajalah labuuu.. ).

OK. see you.. 

P/S : Don't because you love him/her, you loosed him/her. Its paint full and its killing you. Trust me. Its hurt.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

No More FacebOok =(

yeah!!! dats rite.. ni more facebooking.. ergh!! it sucks... dunnOe why.. its gOod to hev dat sesarang sosial.. we meet new people.. new frenz.. old frenz and wat so ever.. but.... i thINk it gives me additiOnal headache caused..( apa yang aku merepek nih.. haiyaa..)  huhu... bnyK masalah aku hadapi ngan facebook tuh.. 
salah satunya aku nk jaga hati si dia.. huhu.. si dia xmampU menahan perasaan cemburu yg membuak-buak pabila melihat aku bermesra with other girls.. ok.. i got dat!! love sometinK we must sacrifice other thing aite ? so i've decided to stop facebooking... for noW.. hehe.. pasni lau bosan or aku trap in a jail baru aku on balIk facebook tuh.. 
okeh... dats ol for tonite.. see u guys again later.. maybe in a week.. a month perhaps.. ahakz!! malas la maw ngarang.. langsUng xder mud ahh.. huhu...

Friday, December 03, 2010

Love.. Love.. Love..

Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word "love" casually in everyday conversation. "I love this house. I love my bike. I love to grow vegetables." What does this really mean? When we use this word so often does its meaning become watered down so it has less impact? Different people may define love in different ways.
Could love be defined as simply to want and hope the best for someone? This is fairly simplistic and not very deep. If this was the definition of love can it explain the deep emotional bond that two people have with each other; those that commit themselves to one another for a lifetime? Not likely. You can want and hope the best for dozens of people that you know. Does this mean you are "in love" with them? This may be too simple to define the true meaning of love in a relationship.
If you say you are in love with someone does that bring forth certain assumptions about your feelings for that person? When people say they are in love we assume that they care for, share with and trust the other person. Are these three things the basis for defining love?
Sometimes that fine line between friendship and love becomes difficult to distinguish. Think about the different aspects of the definition of love that I've listed already - to want and hope the best for someone; to care for, share with and trust someone. These things could define friendship as well, couldn't they? If we use the same words to define love and friendship then how can we distinguish between the two?
I think the definition of love goes much deeper than what is mentioned above. These critiria are components of love but they do not fully define it. There is something else that makes up the true meaning of love in a relationship. This may be something intangible; a feeling that you have that can't be accurately described in words. In any relationship you can develop and work on the caring, sharing and trust. You can't force that special feeling that you have when you are truly in love with someone. It's either there or it isn't.
so many love words i've typed above.. people said.. there's only one true love in every people's heart.. but not for me.. hehe.. because in my heart...

i love...

1. I love Allah...

2. I love Muhammad the messenger of Allah..

3. I love my parents...

4. I love My brothers n sisters

5. I love Her.. ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ToUr D' Raya Qurban

adeh!! panasnya kepala aku arinih.. huhu... semalam kul 5 baru tido... 7 o'clock in da mornink ma dad kjut tUk g Solat sunat Aidiladha... huhu...

Today.... bju Melayu itam n Jeans... style x ? haha.. simple.. itulah saya.. simple but stylish.. ( ceh!! poyo punya mamat.. punyi diri sendri.. hahaha)

kul 8 start la moto pom pom aku tuh... p semayang kat MASJID BATU DUA.... ngantUk!!!! arghhh!! sejuk + sesema... nk tdo jek rasa... idUng la OverFloW.. huhu~ rimas tOl..

pas sOllat dgr sedikit khutbah dari Tok imam.. huhu... ( mcm pak arab la tok imam nih... baca doa pon ngs2.. respek ahh... ) pastu aku n adIk trUs baLik umah sbb sangt ngantOk...

lapornya perOt.. mak masak nasIk tomato today... tp nasI lOm siap lagIk.. hukhuk!!

jam dh Kul 10... aku trus pegi umah si RaOp sbb deorang ajak g OPEN HousE umah kama... huhu... pas amik raOp terus g BEHOR LATEH.. umah kama kat blakang PETRONAS BEHOR TEMAK tu jer.. masOK je jln tepi petrOnas.. pasti jumpa umOh beliau... huhu... sampai kat sana tgk org dh ramai la.. deorg ngah sembelih lembu..... ( comelnyer lembu2 tuh.... hehe... ) aku terus salam Kama.. xperasan lak cet  ( bocet ) dh sampai... hehe... so lepak2 sembng2 buang masa jap.. then Kama ajak mkn... yahOo!!! ap lagi... aku rembat trus biHun sUp n Air Oren... perghhh!!! sedappppp!!

pas habes kat umah Kama... kitowg bergerak ke beberapa destinasi lagi.. MISI yg sama... MEMBONCITKAN PEROT!!! hahaha!! antara kawasan2 yg kami lawati sambil berkonvoi ialah...

1. Umah kama ( Behor Lateh )... =bihun sup bAek punya..
2. umah Naem (bintOng ). = mee sup + ( awek cUn... kakak dia.. pergh! Grade A )
3. umah Bocet (Seriab )..=  nasi tomato 
4. Umah Sarip ( Behor Pulai ) = nasi jugak... aku xmkn.. sbb kenanyag.. huhu...
5. Umah Amy @ awek kyUn ( Beseri ) = pun nasIk jugak.. huhhu
6. umah kawan Paez (Bukit Keteri)..... ----> umah awek... hehehe...

boleh dikatakan hampir seluruh Kangar n Perlis kami redah arinih.. mak aihhh... penat!
hahaha tp syukur.. happy sesangat.... thanx to all... hehe...

yg Join td = Afiq ( Blade 650 r ), Bocet ( FZ ), Kecik ( NSR ), Pijan ( Ego ), Naem ( FZ ), Niki N Ijat ( FZ)..
  HaPpY EiD!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HaRi Raya QuRban ( hahahaha!! mari semBelIh LembU )

Salam.... huk!! lama bebenOr den xmnulis blog... maap la.. malas sikit.. exm la.. konflik cinta la.. konflake masOk angIn la.. ahakz!!!
Today 16 November 2010.. Selasa... maknanya.. esOk merUpakan Hari Raya Qurban bg semua penduduk Islam di Tanah Malaya dan kawsan seKitar.. hehehe... syiOk!!!!!!!!  sbb pa syiOk ? sbb raya la..  tu pon lagi maw tnya ka ? haha....
tp taOn nih atUk aku xwat Korban.. lembu2 atUk pon dh abes suma kne sembellih... huhu.. xdpt la aku nk tgk acara pnyembelihan.... huhu... sangt suka sbb nmpak ganas n rock.... hehehe... mlm ni aku n fam akn bertolak ke rumah atuk.. ingt nk pasang pelita.. tp ujan la pUlOk.. huhu... tp... arini merupakn hari yg sangat2 sedey bg aku... 3 tahun aku bersama si dia.. dn hari ini.... ~teeeeeeet~..... 
===========To be cOntinued==========

Friday, October 01, 2010

2mg Salbutamol + 10ml expectorant = PENGSAN!!!!

assalamualaikum... huu~
lama xupdate blog.... huhu... sangt sedey... aku taraK sihat.. olmost for 3 days.. =(  Ujan... ujan.. ujan.. asal mLm ja Ujan... asal Ujan ja Mlm.. huhu.. pas g E2E temPoh ari kat Jitra la.. seJuk bngat!!! baLik jer aku trOs demam.. demn~
1st day demam ok jer... stIll gagah perkasa n mamPu wat lawak  bodo mnceriakn dunia sekeliling ku inney..
but.. when the night falls... as the night swampy freezing bite my skin... aku dh stat sEsak nafas... huhu... mak aih!!!! seksa dowHh... bayangKn lau korg bernafas seperti korg sedang berlari mengelilingi bulan tanpa henti.. huhu~ sangat terseKsa!!! taley tdo!!! huhu... so, aku telan la ubt batOk... dgn harapan esOk pg bngOn dh ok.. hehe.... lalu akU tdO semUle dibUai lali ubt batUk.. hukhuk~

MornInK~ waa!!! masIh sempot!!! it gettin worst!!! huhu... xjd g kelas.. gtaw my Mum yg i semPot.. huhu.. dia suggest sOh g ospital... wut?!!! HOSPITAL !!!!! waAaa!!!! sangat sUka!!! hahaha.... lama xJumpa Nurse2 yg wat pektikal kat jabatan kecemasan tuh... hehe... so.. bIla ptg.. aku pon g la ospital... tp... T_T...
nape suma arini nurse2 yg b'umo jer ? huhu~ sangat xbest... tp xpela.. xder reZki.. wahahaha!!!
pas dapat treatment.. wah!!! much better la.. alhmdulillah... syukur... ( thanx doc... thanx mUm... thanx Allah...)

 antara DaDah Yg aku Xsalahgunakan utUk OverhaUl sistem pernafasan aku ialah....
1. 2mg of salbutamol 3 times a day...
2. 10ml of Expectorant dhyeperment * betOi ke aKu eja nih.. huhu...

uihh!!! amat dasat sKali kesan ubt nih... tdO yg sangt lena... aku juga bermImpi plik2... resPon aku terhadap sOklan dari kkwn jd sLow.. jd mcm org blurr dowh... huhu.... tp xper... akhirnyaa...................
hehe... aku kemBalI sihat... sangat lega... dH 3 hari moto xjLn... rindU sama dia lorh.... huhu....

KesAn TayaR : huhu... ingt... leNkali maK pesan jGn Kuar memalam tuh Jgn degil... aCt Mak aku xkasIk g E2E. sbb jauhh.. dh tuh.. memalam plak.. huhu....

Friday, September 24, 2010

E2E bersama Kayangan Riders Club ( KRC )

Salam.. sedang asyik melayan facebook.. tetiba nset sony ku berbunyi.. ' ding dong '.. menandakan mesej telah diterima...

dari Bocet KRC :-' Salam... mlm nih jom E2E kat Burger Cafe Seriab... aku open table... kalu hujan kita cancel..'

wahhh!! Cet nk lanje mkn la mlm nih.. aku pon bersetuju nk hadirkn diri.. hehe.. sapa xmaw weh mkn free.... bkn salu kn.. ahakz!!!
* ceh.. bKn kaw baru jer melahap bUrger yg adIk ko beli ke apis oi.. lagi maw mkn ka ? =P
haha.. so pas solat isyak aku terus salin baju n capai helmet kesayang ku...
aku terus menunggang di malam yg dingin selepas ujan.. sampai pon di Burger Cafe.. terlihat Bangchik sedang mnunggu rakan2 yg laen.. hehe...

Selepas bpe mnit kkwn yg len pon sampai.. hehe.. lame xjumpe diowg nih.. maklumla.. masing2 blaja n dh kje.. busy ngan idOp msg2.. hehe..
xbnyk topik yg hot kami bncngkn.. cume sekadar borak2 kosong n wat lawak.. sbb ujan. kami lepak tingkat atas...  ramai gk yang mai td.. kyun, nuar, bangchik,niqi, bocet, pijan, kecik, raUp n paEz... hehe...
paling taley blah.. kyun n pijan masing2 lawan paku memaku.. haha.. bgegaq kedai tuh kami gelak2.. punya bising  n riuh rendah.. haha..
serOnok sangat jumpe diowg.. ilang suma maslah..hehe.. pas kul 11 masing2 mngmbil keputusan untuk pulang.. maklumla.. ada antara mereka yg kj n masih bersekolah...
hehe.. takat tu je la celotehku....
c u again.. hehe....

KesAn TayaR : Mase td aku xorder pape. juz teh '0' ais limau jer.. kenyang sbb baru mkn der.. tp cet lanje fun fries.. lazat!!! si Kecik order chcken chop.. terliur gk la aku.. hehe..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wanna Noe whO I'aM ???

Greetings... to all human in the universe... *ap aku merepek nih...@@.. cowie.. Nk start kat ne ek ? erm.. haa... heee... haaa... okies.. pada 02 April 1989  sehari lepas org smbOt aprilfool maka seorg insan yg chumel lg kiut pon lahirlah ke dunia ini... * thanx mom sbb bersusah payah selama 9 bulan simpan apish lam prOt mak.. hehe..
aku ni Anak sulung... hehe... n ada lagi 4 orang adik yg chumel2.. 2 pompuan 3 laki.. hehe... nnti2 la aku story pasal diowg ek... =)

whoaaa!!! im in the real worLd... pa bila cecah umO 5 taOn aku dihantar ke tadika ABIM.. beshh tadika nih... suma pakai kopiah n bju melayu.. sngt cUmel.. hehe.. On the 1st day apish kat sana dh start knal2 kwn2.. mklUm la.. apish nih mesra.. antara mereka yg apish masIh ingt time tadika dulu Meor khairudin, Norhafiz, n Hadi... hehe... Apish tersangt la nakal zaman nih.. kje buli org jek... teringt plak... Apish pnah pukul mior ngan batang pisang... menagis si mior tuh.. haha.. * sori meor.. aku tataw pon aku jahat mse dulu2.. Bnyk g perkara yg berlaku kat aku sewaktu berada di Tadika dulu.. xbpe nk ingt plak.. huk!!! nnti2 la aku story smuLe.. hehe..

1996.... ' haa!!! esOk abg kna masOk skola... skola darjah 1.. esOk pagi ikot abh kita g dftar k.... ' ini lah kata2 my dad mse aku nk dihantar ke SEKOLAH RENDAH YAYASAN ISLAM 1... huuu~
skola ni time tuh swasta lagi.. yuran mahai siot!!! tp mak n abah nk aku jd ustaz.. diowg xkisah pon pasal wang ringgIt.. janji aku jd mnusia.. mnusia yg berguna dunia n akhirat.. hehe...
maka.. bermula la hidUp seorang kanak2 lelaki yg chumel di alam persekolahan.. humai!!! aku menangis la.. rindu umah... rindu mak.. rindu mainan cybercop aku * ceit! mase tadika aku rilek je bwk g tadika.. msOk skola diowg xkasi lak... huu~
skola ni memang tersangt besh n terbaEk... guru2 suma berdedikasi.. aku plak jd ank murid kesayangn sbb aku bijOk... hehe.. * puji diri sendri weh... haha... antara cikgu yg paling sayang aku, Cikgu Siti Aishah.. Cikgu B.I ( Bahasa Inggeris ).. di manakah beliau sekarang... * sambIl berfikir..
beliau salu marah aku.. cengei!!! suara dia... mak aihhh!!! lantang siot.. ley terkucil maa.. hahaha... tapi aku bijOk... salu dpat 100 markah dlm ujian dia.. haha.. peperiksaan akhir pon dapt nombor 1.. tu yg dia syg tuh.. hehe...
kat skola nih aku blaja arOb.. Ustaz Salleh yg ajar aku time nih.. muka ustaz nih pon cm arab.. idOng mncUng gle.. tp dia tua dh.. dn dia amatkah baEk hati.. xgarang langsUng.. so, aku yg budiman ni pon semakin nakal la.. huhu... * maafkn sayer ustaz... waktu ni bdak2 ag.. xtawu pa pe.. huhu
mase aku darjah satu dulu aku masOk kelas 1 ABU BAKAR.. kelas bbdak pandai.. haha... sampai la darjah 6.. kiranya aku sentiasa berada dalam kelas bbdak pandai... ahahah.. * thanx tokwan sbb bg apish mnUm madu jampi resepi tOkwan utuk bg cerdik.. hehe...
ermm.. ni je la kot yg aku boleh citakn.. xbnyk yg aku bleh ingt.. maKlum la.. memory aku lemah lepas madu tOkwan aku abes adik aku ratah.. hahahaha..


KeSaN TaYaR : adehh!! mak wat mee goreng.. trOih ilang suma idea.. bau sedap sangat.. hehe~

oh, my first blog ? yeah rite! =P

salam satu Malaysia.. hye peOple.. sejak lama x mngarang..*last dulu mngarang mase nk wat karangan SPM.. hik!! skunk nk stat smule.. hehe.. 0_o

urghh!!! sakit pinggan lak duduk mniarap nih.
hurm.. nothing much for today.. xbnyk idea lak.. salu mmbebel berjela2.. hehe.. 
* ptt la.. dh ko baru bngOn tido.. mne nk ade story nk citer.. hik!!

ok la.. setakat ni je la untUk stater.. eh.. bKn stater kick moto tuh.. i mean permulaan pnUlisan bLog sayer la.. haish!!! hehe..
inilah sayer yg poyo tuh.. cOmei x ? haha!!