Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Friendship... When its too much..

Hye2....  whats up guys ?  its been a long time I've left my blog. So sorry guys. I just don't have the mood to write something... 
Something smacked on my head just now that makes me to write  today. Lets talk about friend. Doesn't matter if it is about friends or only friend. I'm not going to talk about a friendship between in the same gender but with opposite sex.
 Example, a friendship between boys and girls. it is ok for boys and girls to spend time together. But, if it is too much its going to move into the next level. Do you guys get what i mean ? yes!! they will fall in love... 
 Some people said, ' love is blind '. I do believed that because when a boy and a girl get too closed,  shared same interest, doing things together, sharing their problems, hangout together and at the end both of them might end up fall in love with each other. It is not wrong to be loved and to love somebody. There are certain situation they make it wrong. 

1. To fall in love with your best friend even thought you already taken.
2. To fall in love if your partner or your friend when he/she is somebody's boyfriend or girlfriend.

so sweet <3

Can i call this a Forbidden Love ?? 

 Entahla. Kadang- kadang niat hanya untuk berkawan semata-mata. Tapi lahir pula rasa cinta. Masalah timbul pabila orang yang kita cintai itu dimiliki orang lain ataupun kita sudah pon memiliki buah hati tapi pada masa yang sama kita mempunyai rasa sayang kepada si dia. Bak kata pepatah melayu, ' luah mati anak, telan mati bapak.. '.

Sesetengah orang berpendapat, cinta yang terlarang adalah cinta yang paling indah... and it is worth fighting for. Anda rasa ? 

Mungkin benar apa yang mereka fikir. Cinta terlarang membawa mereka ke jalan yang penuh dugaan dan cabaran. Itu yang mencorakkan cinta mereka dan menjadikanya menarik. Cinta seumpama ini mampu terpahat di ingatan mereka yang mengalaminya mungkin selamanya walaupun mereka tidak bersama.

Thats all for tonight. So sorry of using ' rojak ' language for my entry this time. lack of idea and instability of emotional mind ( hantam sajalah labuuu.. ).

OK. see you.. 

P/S : Don't because you love him/her, you loosed him/her. Its paint full and its killing you. Trust me. Its hurt.


  1. Don't because you love him/her, you loosed him/her. Its paint full and its killing you. Trust me. Its hurt. <--sory fai curi

  2. "forbidden love is a love worth fighting for".

    Really? Sometimes it's not, you know. Coz there are times when you are very sure that how hard you fight, you will never win.
